Heron Lake

Gary, Ross and Guy visited Puyravaud for a three day trip – 40.0M, 36.14M, 46.8M, 25.1M, 45.3M, 25.0C, 20.0M, 40.4M, 25.4C, 31.2M, 44.6M, 48.6M, 32.6M, 26.0M, 39.4M, 26.1C, 25.0M, 32.0M, 27.11M, 31.8M, 34.0M, 20.0C, 20.0M

23 fish, Total Weight 743.8lbs, Average Weight 32.34lbs

6 x 40’s and a number of PB’s for Guy on his first trip to Puyravaud. A very good 3.5 days fishing (no nights fished).

Kingfisher Lake

Josh and Kevin returned for their second visit and brought Andy with them for his first – 45.12M, 52.6M, 45.6M, 27.0M, 30.6M, 45.7M, 37.8M, 55.12M, 42.8M, 31.4M

10 fish, Total Weight 415.30lbs, Average Weight 41.53lbs

PB’s for all three guys including first 50’s for Kevin and Andy. Josh also spent a few hours on Heron Lake and bagged another three fish – 24.4M, 24.6M, 20.0M.
