Heron Lake

Kevin and Sue are back for yet another two week stay -week 1 catch report – 53.7M, 46.1M, 42.5M, 38.0C, 37.11C, 46.2M, 53.7C, 47.7M, 36.14C, 55.8M

10 fish, Total Weight – 458.3lbs, Average Weight – 45.83lbs

A return to form for Kevin after a difficult trip last time around. Some lovely fish and a great average weight for week 1. All fish caught between 9.00am and 7.00pm.

Kingfisher Lake

Geoff, George and Richie visiting Puyravaud for the first time – 54.3M, 41.2M, 54.5M, 42.0M, 53.7M, 28.5M

6 fish, Total Weight – 274.2lbs, Average Weight – 45.62lbs

PB’s all round for these first timers, but could have been so much better had they landed the 4 other solid runs they had. That’s fishing, but look forward to seeing them back to try and improve their PB’s again! We had a run of 18 fish on the trot over 40lbs in two weeks fishing. Kingfisher is back!
