Heron Lake
The first visit to Puyravaud for the Howe and Millward group – 35.8M, 29.8M, 31.6M, 28.0M, 36.0M, 39.0M, 39.8M, 26.0M, 34.0M, 39.0M, 26.4M, 36.8M, 29.0C, 57.0C, (New Lake Record), 28.0C, 39.0M, 36.4M, 34.7M, 37.6M, 31.5M, 41.9M, 32.3M, 36.0M
23 Fish, Total Weight – 805.6lbs, Average Weight – 35.02lbs
A great first visit with a new lake record for Matt!!!!!!!!!
Kingfisher Lake
Jake’s first trip to Puyravaud, fished afternoons, evenings and early mornings – 46.8M, 44.7M,, 39.9C, 45.5M, 58.0M, 39.7M, 47.8M, 44.3M, 47.3C, 36.0GC, 56.9M, 57.0M, 53.6M, 51.2M, 48.9M.
15 fish, Total Weight – 717.6lbs, Average Weight – 47.84lbs
A fantastic week for Jake with 5 x 50+lbs fish and great average weight! New PB of 58.0lbs!