Heron Lake
Gary, Ross and Guy returned for another trip to Puyravaud – 35.4M, 34.0M, 47.6M, 39.7M, 35.0M, 27.7C, 20.11C, 21.8M, 44.9M, 33.9M, 32.0M, 37.6M, 28.4M, 28.2M, 22.9M, 36.0M, 31.8M, 41.0M, 37.9M, 36.0M
20 fish, Total Weight – 671.91lbs, Average Weight – 33.60lbs
Kingfisher Lake
Alan and Graham’s first visit to Puyravaud – 53.0M, 48.0M, 58.4M
3 fish, Total Weight – 159.4lbs, Average Weight – 53.13lbs
A tough week due to spawning activity on the lake, but two lovely big PB’s for Alan.