Heron Lake

Chrissy, Paul, Dan and Jade returned to Puyravaud, this time to fish both lakes – Dan and Jade on Heron – 31.7M, 35.6M. 39.8GC, 31.7M, 56.7M, 50.5M, 49.5M, 22.8C, 38.9M, 48.0M, 46.8M, 37.6M,

12 fish, Total Weight – 488.6lbs, Average Weight – 40.71lbs

A big PB for Jade and Grassy PB for Dan.


Kingfisher Lake

Chrissy and Paul on this lake for the first time – 30.0M, 43.4M, 52.0M, 53.4M, 28.10M, 48.4C, 38.8M, 31.8M, 32.10M, 59.0M, 40.0M, 45.14M, 38.2C, 36.12M 43.10M, 48.0M, 35.14M, 55.9M, 43.2M

20 Fish, Total Weight – 803.6lbs, Average Weight – 40.2lbs

Smashed it – one of the best results from Kingfisher ever……………multiple PB’s for both anglers and first ever 50’s for 3 out of 4 anglers across both lakes. A pretty good result.
