Catch Reports 14th – 21st July 2018
Heron Lake
Simon and James returned, this time with Olie, Archie and Gramps in tow for a family fishing trip – 20.0M, 32.7C, 36.8M, 22.0M, 47.5M, 40.3M, 29.6M, 29.7C, 29.8C, 35.5C, 45.0M, 31.0C, 45.5C, 35.7M, 47.1M, 29.0C, 32.0M, 34.6M, 20.0M, 22.0C, 33.0M, 44.9M, 24.5M. 34.6M, 38.9M, 42.0M, 40.0M, 29.0C, 29.0M, 20.0M, 30.0M, 25.0C, 31.0M, 31.0M, 24.0M, 29.1C, 37.0M, 34.0M, 29.0M, 42.0M, 25.0M, 34.0M
42 fish, Total Weight – 1372.8lbs, Average Weight – 32.69lbs
Kingfisher lake
No catch recorded – we have had a couple of bad weeks on Kingfisher. As the weather changed, we had low levels of oxygen in the lake whilst we were away and it is taking its time to recover. Richard had two runs, losing a nice grass carp at the net and was kindly allowed by James and Simon to spend the last day on Heron. He recorded the following catch
45.1M, 31,5M, 37.0M, 36.5M
4 fish, Total Weight – 150.1lbs, Average Weight – 37.52lbs.
Therefore, 46 fish caught this week on Heron!