Catch Reports 12th – 19th Sept 2020
Heron Lake
Jason and Dean Oram returned for their 6th trip during some very very hot weather with temperatures over 30 degrees – 34.4M, 44,11C, 46.6M, 50.1M, 30.8C, 27.11M, 34.11M, 31.0M, 44.0M, 30.10M, 37.8M, 40.8M, 42.7C, 56.0M, 54.0M, 34.0M, 40.9C, 42.12M, 30.1M, 53.4M, 33.12M, 30.7C, 36.6M, 31,6M, 57.8M, 43.0M, 49.12M, 32.2M, 52,12M, 52,11M, 42.1M, 51.2M, 36.6C, 23.12M, 31.0M, 41.8M, 43.8M
37 Fish, Total Weight – 1498.2lbs, Average Weight – 40.49lbs
A great weeks fishing for Jason and Dean with 8 x 50’s and 12 x 40’s, despite the very hot weather. Well over half the catch was over 40lbs. Not bad for our little fishery eh? Second week on the trot where average weight is over 40lbs across a lot of fish.
Kingfisher Lake
Kevin and Andy returned for another go at Kingfisher – 52.8M, 48.6M, 41.0M, 41.5M, 28.8M
5 fish, Total Weight – 212.7lbs, Average Weight – 42.54lbs
A tough week, especially for Andy, but some nice weighty fish caught, just not enough of them.
In total 9 x 50’s and 15 x 40’s in one very hot week! Not a bad result all round.