Catch Reports 11 – 18th September 2021


Heron Lake

Short second week for Kevin as he only fished 4 days and left early Friday – 53.8M, 47.7M, 36.14C, 55.8M, 38.8M, 54.11M, 44.6C, 58.11M, 53.10M, 35.10M, 28.2C

11 fish, Total Weight – 508.0lbs, Average Weight – 46.18lbs

A very good second week for Kevin, particularly as he fished only 4 days. Some nice 50’s caught.

Kingfisher Lake

Keith and Gary’s first visit to Puyravaud with Joan – 32.8M, 38.8C, 39.12M, 50.2M, 46.0M, 46.2C, 30.2M

7 fish, Total Weight – 284.1lbs, Average Weight – 40.58lbs

Slightly disappointing as some of the smaller fish in the lake made a showing, but still an average of over 40lbs. Shows Kingfisher is producing every week now which is just what we want.