Bookings for 2017/2018


Just an update on the bookings situation for those customers who have not confirmed their trips with us.

You may be aware that we impose a limit on the number of bookings we take each year across our two properties and lakes. This is mainly to give the carp a good rest, but also to get a break ourselves!!!!!!! The season can be a long one from March to the end of October.

We are virtually booked up for 2017 (as at 20th January) and we will be taking a maximum of 6 more bookings. Our calendar for 2018 is open and we ask those customers planning a trip to BOOK EARLY! We are already well on the way to booking out the summer period so if you have kids of school age and want to come during the Summer, please book now for 2018.

We have many returning guests and we always try to make sure they can get the week (or weeks) they want each year. Please try and help us to help you by thinking ahead and reserving your chosen weeks.