

Dave Lawson was on his 4th trip to Puyravaud and by the end of the trip he had joined a very exclusive club!

Dave is only the third person to catch 4 x 50+lb fish on the trot whilst fishing at Puyravaud. Dave did it this week (Oct 6 – 13th 2018) whilst fishing Kingfisher Lake. His catches were 53.0, 55.8, 51.8 and 63.0lbs. He joins Jake Portch and Terry White who are the only others to have achieved this record.

In fact Dave jumps to the top of the list and he managed a 63.0lb new lake record with the last of his four fish.

Well done Dave and we will see you again in April 2019!

4 x 50+lb fish on the trot
Another of the 4 x 50+lb fish from Dave L’s trip
Great Session for Dave L – 4 x 50+lb fish on the bounce


Heron Lake

Dave L, Dave O and Badger are back again for their second trip of this year, Dave L decided to start on Heron and fished it for 3 days, he then swapped to Kingfisher whilst Dave O and Badger started on Kingfisher and had a day on Heron – 37.8M, 20.0C, 30.8M, 42.0M, 30.8C, 35.0M, 44.0M, 48.9M, 30.4M, 24.9M, 23.4M

11 fish, Total Weight – 368.0lbs, Average Weight – 33.45lbs

Kingfisher Lake

Dave O and Badger struggled, Dave L didn’t! – 53.0M, 55.8M, 51.8M, 63.0M (New Lake Record)

4 fish, Total Weight – 223.6lbs, Average Weight – 55.9lbs – Wow!

Dave joins a very elite club of just 3 people who have caught 4 x 50+lbs fish on the trot at Puyravaud. In fact he goes to the top of the list as his 4th fish was a new lake record of 63.0lbs, taking the record from Dave O who held it from his last trip on April.


Heron Lake

Sam, Will and Sam joined us for 4 days and nights – 36M, 38M, 31C, 32M, 41M, 48M, 23C, 32C, 45M, 35M, 31M, 23C, 20C, 33M, 52C, 32M, 24M, 38C, 33C, 38C, 40M, 21C, 24C, 35M, 38M, 40M, 41M, 40M, 40M, 23C, 25C, 31M, 35M, 27M, 34M, 32M, 38M, 28C, 29C, 44M, 42M, 28M, 22M, 39M, 40M.

46 fish, Total Weight – 1567lbs, Average Weight – 34.06lbs

A stunning session with 11 x 40+lb fish and 1 x 50+lb fish in less than 4 days and nights. A new PB for Sam and one of our best overall weights caught in much less than a week. Good average weight as well!

Kingfisher Lake

Steve and Louis visiting Puyravaud for the first time – had the luxury of spending 4 days on Kingfisher and two days on Heron. Kingfisher catches first – 40.0C, 20.0M, 44.7M, 52.2M (Louis PB), 42.9M, 44.8M

6 Fish, Total Weight – 244.6lbs, Average Weight – 40.76lbs

Heron Lake catches – 37.01M, 36.9M, 29.2M, 41.04M, 36.03M, 24.08M, 37.6C, 30.09M, 41.03C, 30.7M, 30.7C, 28.6M, 27.7C, 47.7M, 39.8M, 29.4C, 21.9C, 27.5M

18 fish, Total Weight – 599.14lbs, Average Weight – 33.28lbs