
Heron Lake

Alan and Graham swapped to Heron for their second week – 49.8M, 35.0M, 57.4C (New Lake Record), 24.0M, 29.0M, 39.0M, 37.8M, 25.8M, 27.0C, 30.8M, 28.0C, 39.0M, 22.12M, 29.4M, 33.8M, 27.4C, 20.0C, 20.0C, 43.0M, 27.12M, 31.4M, 31.0M

22 fish, Total Weight – 707.84lbs, Average Weight – 32.17lbs

Yet another Heron Lake record this week. Creeping towards that 60 lb mark!

Kingfisher Lake

Not fished



The beginning of June saw a continuation of the stormy weather we had seen in May. Thunder storms hit regularly, along with heavy rainfall and winds. Not what our customers wanted. But there is always an upside – the fishing has been really good with some excellent catches and a good head of 50’s coming out on a regular basis.

Alan Harwin is on his first trip to Puyravaud with friend Graham and their wives. A two week stay has allowed them to fish both lakes and Alan had two PB’s on Kingfisher with his biggest fish a 58.4lb mirror. Moving on to Heron, Alan immediately found the fish at the shallow end of the lake and after landing fish weighing 49.7 and 35lb, he was into something bigger, landing a 57.4lb common at 2.30am to break our Heron Lake record and land his 3rd good 50 of the trip!

Graham, after a difficult start, has also found the fish at the other end of the lake, landing numerous PB’s including a very nice 37lb fish. More to come in the rest of the week as the weather settles down.


Heron Lake

Gary, Ross and Guy returned for another trip to Puyravaud – 35.4M, 34.0M, 47.6M, 39.7M, 35.0M, 27.7C, 20.11C, 21.8M, 44.9M, 33.9M, 32.0M, 37.6M, 28.4M, 28.2M, 22.9M, 36.0M, 31.8M, 41.0M, 37.9M, 36.0M

20 fish, Total Weight – 671.91lbs, Average Weight – 33.60lbs

Kingfisher Lake

Alan and Graham’s first visit to Puyravaud – 53.0M, 48.0M, 58.4M

3 fish, Total Weight – 159.4lbs, Average Weight – 53.13lbs

A tough week due to spawning activity on the lake, but two lovely big PB’s for Alan.


Heron Lake

The first visit to Puyravaud for the Howe and Millward group – 35.8M, 29.8M, 31.6M, 28.0M, 36.0M, 39.0M, 39.8M, 26.0M, 34.0M, 39.0M, 26.4M, 36.8M, 29.0C, 57.0C, (New Lake Record), 28.0C, 39.0M, 36.4M, 34.7M, 37.6M, 31.5M, 41.9M, 32.3M, 36.0M

23 Fish, Total Weight – 805.6lbs, Average Weight – 35.02lbs

A great first visit with a new lake record for Matt!!!!!!!!!


Kingfisher Lake

Jake’s first trip to Puyravaud, fished afternoons, evenings and early mornings – 46.8M, 44.7M,, 39.9C, 45.5M, 58.0M, 39.7M, 47.8M, 44.3M, 47.3C, 36.0GC, 56.9M, 57.0M, 53.6M, 51.2M, 48.9M.

15 fish, Total Weight – 717.6lbs, Average Weight – 47.84lbs

A fantastic week for Jake with 5 x 50+lbs fish and great average weight! New PB of 58.0lbs!



Matt Howe’s first trip to Puyravaud was proving difficult with the weather very wet and the fish not biting early in the week. That all changed as Matt hooked into a lovely fish at 9.00pm on Thursday evening. After a wonderful fight, he landed a fantastic 57.0lb common for a massive PB and new lake record.

This fish has made two other appearances this season and Matt was over the moon to land such a beauty to turn his week around – big style!

Carl also had a very good Thursday night/Friday morning catching 7 fish in 8 hours.

Matt, Carl and Ethan have all managed to break their PB’s during the trip, so everyone goes home happy. Just a shame the weather was awful for the rest of the group!

Its official – new lake record of 57lbs