
Heron Lake

The Broomhalls and Sopers (group of 15) took over Puyravaud for their first visit – 36.05M, 28.10M, 21.08M, 32.03M, 43.3G (Lake Record Grass Carp), 28.4M, 25.12M, 33.10M, 38.0M, 34.0M, 28.6C, 21.1M, 24.2M, 23.12M, 40.12C, 21.06C, 37.14M, 31.0C.

18 fish Total Weight – 546.51lbs, Average Weight 30.36lbs.

Kingfisher Lake

20.11M, 39.12M, 41.06M, 51.9M, 38.03C.

5 fish Total Weight 191.09lbs, Average Weight 38.22lbs

Tough week on both lakes with temperatures above 37 degrees all week. The guys did well to lure this many out and kept at it throughout the week. Highlight was the Heron Lake record Grass carp and the near 52lb mirror from Kingfisher!

Next Catch Reports will be 8th July 2017 as we are closed for mid season break for 2 weeks.


Kingfisher Lake

Martin, Jonny and Danny returned for their 4th trip – 39.12M, 42.8M, 36.7G, 36.14G, 33.14M, 48.14M, 35.0M, 37.1M, 48.3M, 48.4M, 37.10M.

11 fish Total Weight 443lbs 6ozs, Average Weight 40lbs 3ozs.

Jonny had a PB grass carp, Danny had a PB grass carp and overall PB, Martin had a overall PB. Not a bad week considering weather and possible spawning effect. Slightly disappointing average weight this week!!!!

Heron Lake

Rest week